PDP Exclusives by Rebecca

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Off Cpap!

I got to the hospital yesterday and Miss Addisyn was off the Cpap. When I walked in the room, I noticed that the room was much quieter than it was the day before, which is the tell-tale sign for Cpap for me. I looked at her Cpap machine and it was turned off, then I looked at the O2 bottle and it was bottling. She was on 1 lt of flow and 34% when I walked in which is wonderful for her. I also walked into another surprise. She was wearing her Christmas shirt that says "Is it too late to be good". I bought that for her because they always say she is being naughty. I held her forever yesterday. She just seemed so content that I couldn't put her down. I think I finally left around 8 pm last night and I held her the whole time. A conversation came up the other day while I was in the hospital with her. It was either the LC or Chaplain stating how hard it must be. I have to admit that it is hard, but when I look at her, I think of my gandmother's babies that never made it and all of the other babies who never even got this chance. She may be early, she may be living in the hospital, but she made it here and is going to be Ok. She shouldn't have made it this far, but she did. So many people are not as lucky as we are.

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